This is a digital print-and-play download. Hardcopy can be bought at The Game Crafter.
Privilege Check, or: An Egregious Example of the Tone Deaf, Silencing, 'Humour' of the Heteropatriarchal, White, Oppressor Class
It is a truth universally acknowledged that you cannot win an argument on the internet. This common presumption is, however, incorrect. It is perfectly possible to win an argument on the internet, not by being right or by using evidence, but by the simple expedient of being more oppressed than anyone else.
Not oppressed in the actual meaning of being oppressed, but rather how many minority groups demographics you can cram yourself into. If you're the most oppressed, nobody can hope to challenge anything you say or think without being a horrible bigot.
Privilege Check is a game that recreates this phenomenon by setting the players against each other to compete in order to be the least privileged person at the table and, thus, to win while the most privileged person at the table is dubbed the 'Shitlord'. These cards can also be used to create random Tumblr profiles.
All the fun of a knock-down, drag-out, 'social justice' argument on the internet, even when you don't have access to wifi!