Cyber: Involving, using, or relating to computers, especially the internet.
Cyborg: In science fiction stories, a creature that is part human and part machine.
URL: Uniform Resource Locators, a website address.
Borgerlig: The Swedish term for the bourgeois, the middle class.
Bourgeois: Belonging to or characteristic of the middle class, typically concerning its perceived materialistic values or conventional moral attitudes.
This book is a cluster of ideas and inspirations for playing a (forbidden) corporate focussed game or campaign of Cy_Borg by Stockholm Kartel. Here you will find corporate character classes, character generation alternatives, a modified mission generator, and other odds and sods.
The Blodrak Corporation knows that reality is a simulation and has injected operatives into the simulation. They're trying to find a way to save the world (the world is where they keep all their money, after all) by running a repeat simulation at many times normal speed. The trouble is that the simulated populace, government, corporations and cyberpunk keep fucking it up.
You're there to try new things, troubleshoot and guide the simulation to an eventual positive outcome.
And no, you only get paid per hour that takes place in reality.
If reality is even reality...
This is a RAPID PROTOTYPE made using AI input and art, albeit with human oversight and touch-up. If it proves popular enough, it will be expanded, and more human art and creativity will go into a larger edition.