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"Stimpy, it hurts! Why?"
- Ren Hoek
Welcome to A Life of Angst, a world not dissimilar to our own but no less frightening for it. Perhaps the nights are a little darker, the jeans a little baggier and the top twenty a little sparser when it comes to good tunes, but the world is as ours is.
With a few little additions, like vampires stalking the land by night, nothing to be too concerned about.
Some mysterious force has allowed those who most wished they were immortal creatures of the night to become them. Goths, punks, nu-metallers, spooky kids and the simply outcast of teenage society have found themselves transformed by one means or another into the very creature they would most desire to be.
The Bloodsucker roleplaying game allows players to take the part of one of these transformed subculture denizens and to explore the darkest nights in the world of the Bloodsuckers, discovering fell secrets*, attending dark and dingy nightclubs, pubs and warehouse parties, drinking far more absinthe than is strictly healthy for you and, perhaps most importantly, smoking cloves.
While most will play the part of alter-egos that they create, the Games Master will determine the world for you, describing the scenes to you and helping you explore the lives of your characters while placing obstacles in your path as you attempt to better the lot of your counterparts and advance them in the society of the Bloodsuckers until all fall before your might.
*Fell secrets may neither be as fell, nor secret, as advertised.