This companion volume to badly named but well-executed horror RPG Actual Fucking Monsters is bigger than the original! 120 pages of content for your Actual Fucking Monsters games, too spicy for Drivethrurpg.
- We've got random character generation if you're into that sort of thing.
- We've got a whole wedge of new Monster Powers so you can dissolve your foes with vomit or get in touch with their feelings.
- Want to play a dark, evil magician? Got you covered.
- Want to introduce boring stuff to worry about, like, 'humanity'. I don't think you should, but we've got you covered anyway.
- Want to fight against the Monsters as a Hunter? You can do that now, with more details on the Hunter organisations from the main book, and new ones! Along with revised Hunter 'Powers'.
- Want to run your games safely without some absolute head-end crying to mummy that they didn't know a game called Actual Fucking Monsters was about Actual Fucking Monsters? Details for the M-Card game insurance policy are included.
- Need victims for your Monsters to do horrible things to? We've got a random victim generator and 100 pre-generated victims!
- Player advice on how to have fun in an Actual Fucking Monsters game? You bet your sweet arse.
- Some ideas for artefacts, and some examples.
- A (very scant) idea of a sort of setting beyond the implicit. Learn where Monsters fit into the world.
- And lastly, a long-ass example of play, to help you grok with fullness.
This is a Post-Mort.com and Lulu.com exclusive, so please, inform everyone you can that this is up for sale!